
AToMS - Asian Topic Maps Summit 2007

As We REALLY May Think




AToMS 2007 のプログラム

  2007年12月12日 (水)

時間 トラック 1
トラック 2
(中会議室 A)
  9:15 - 9:30   オープニング
  9:30 - 10:30   Opening keynote: Steve Pepper
   As We REALLY May Think
   Memex, Topic Maps, and subject-centric computing
  10:30 - 11:00   休憩
  11:00 - 11:30   Sam Gyun Oh
  Sungkyunkwan University, Korea
  The Power of TM-Based Intelligent Systems in Various Domains

Topic Maps-Driven Semantic Services for National Library of Korea
  内藤 求, ナレッジ・シナジー
瀬戸川 教彦, 日立システムアンドサービス
  What is Topic Maps, and Standards, Case examples, etc.
  11:30 - 12:00   間瀬 心博,   東京工業大学
  山田 誠二,   国立情報学研究所
  Extraction of Topic Maps from Web pages
  12:00 - 12:30   瀬戸川 教彦
  A Citizen's Portal for the City of Bergen
  廣川 佐千男
  Mindex as a Source of Topic Map
  12:30 - 14:00   昼食
  14:00 - 14:35   Kevin Trainor
  Ligent, USA
  Only Wright TM : A Subject-Centric Computing Demonstration Project
  Frederic Andres
  Services Sciences, Management, Engineering (SSME): Roles of Topic Maps in semantic representation techniques regarding services innovation
  14:35 - 15:10   桐山 孝司
  Representing User Interaction Data of the Arithmetik Garden
  岡田 達也
  Classification and Organization of Medical words using Topic Maps
  15:10 - 15:40   休憩
  15:40 - 16:10   松浦 執
  Learning Trajectory on a Topic Map of Introductory Physics e-Learning
  高橋 雄太, 足立 祐紀, 小町 祐史
  Relashionship description among Kanji variants by topic maps
  16:10 - 16:40   Elham Andaroodi
  From Ontology to Topic Map for Bam Typology
  中西 淳治, 小町 祐史
  Presentation and description of relationships among standards documents by using topic maps
  16:40 - 16:45   休憩
  16:45 - 17:30   Closing keynote: Are Mjølsnes
  Norwegian Directorate of Education, Norway
  Closing keynote:
  Topic Maps - a new way to knowledge for pupils and teachers
  17:30 - 18:00   クロージング
  Steve Pepper, Sam Gyun Oh, 内藤 求